Buying a home is likely the most significant and largest purchase of your life. Do it right with the help of a REALTOR® and avoid regretting taking on more than you should. It’s ideal to have saved up some money and manage any debt.
Markets go up, markets go down and even the most informed experts can’t accurately predict when a market will peak or bottom out. If you’re buying a home as a long-term investment (and for long-term enjoyment), you should be protected from short-term changes in the market. Instead, focus on picking a home that meets your and your family’s needs.

Single-Family Detached
As the name implies, the home is freestanding and not attached to any homes next to it.

Semi-Detached or Linked
Two distinct houses (with separate owners and lots) that are built side-by-side and share a common wall.

A building on a single lot but that is zoned for two families (each with independent access).

Town House
Also known as terrace or row housing, they’re identified as homes featuring a common style and joined in a row. They usually share common walls on both sides.

With a condo, you own 100% of your unit and a share of the common areas. Common areas include the necessary plumbing, electrical systems, hallways and elevators. They may also include amenities like a private gym or pool. On top of the mortgage and property taxes, condo owners also pay a monthly fee to operate and maintain the common areas.